At a late 2013 Macbook Pro Retina Display, I found the interesting thing is two web browsers between Chrome and Safari are slightly different in images display quality. It seems that the Chrome’s done a good job at high resolution displaying in which more details and more sharper than Safari. […]

After long waiting, The Macbook Pro Retina 13″ has been updated with Intel Haswell chipset micro-architecture. Its skim shape same as the previous version, but better performance. Let’s have a look this new stuff.     I also found a reading CF card issue  by using a Sandisk ImageMate All in […]

After a few year seeking, I’ve got three different types of Rolleiflex TLR cameras from internet eventually. Now they have been CLA by a professional camera technician Man Lee in Canton. Those three models of Rolleiflex all provide excellent images quality. The white face 3.5f comes with Schneider Xenotar lens […]